Dear Actor, There is much in the year ahead, the prospect of which, I know, may look harsh and perhaps overbearingly difficult to challenge. And much of this may be beyond our direct control. However, your acting practice is all your own. It is something no one can take away from you. Furthermore, your tenacity in digging to work at ever greater depth is needed now more than ever. I truly believe that, as Sanford Meisner is recorded as saying in On Acting :
‘Being an actor is a religious calling because you’ve been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity.’
Oh-boy, was ever humanity in need of inspiration now!
The great thing about this ‘gift’ is that you create it yourself, as Sanford Meisner also stated ‘acting is a skill, and a skill can be learned’.
And that is what we do in the studio - we simply work on training in the skills that enable you to work truthfully, reliably at depth, in the service of anything that you are tasked to do, from the next Justine Triet movie. to Chekhov to a breakfast cereal ad.
So we are back at our original London home at Fourth Monkey in 2025!
Class is every Tuesday evening, with the first class of the new year on Tuesday, January 7th. Optional vocal/physical warm-up at 6pm with class starting at 6.30pm.
There has been some truly fantastic work in 2024, and I am truly looking forward to discovering together the even more fully unique and inspiring actor that you are in 2025.
With love,
At the time of writing, there is one remaining discounted monthly subscription available (£80/month). Please email me if you are interested in applying for this: lolloteaching@gmail.com
If you are already training with me and would like to drop-in, please pay via this link https://book.stripe.com/8wM03Y05I25t2Bi6oo to confirm your place.
If you are not currently training with me, please get in touch to arrange a chat online to discuss your acting goals and to see if my training is a good fit for you.
“If you ever meet someone who calls themselves a Master Teacher run from this teacher! What arrogance and ego. I am not a Master Teacher. Even after a half century of teaching I’ve mastered nothing. I’m simply a teacher dedicated to teaching truthful acting and I will never master that.”
Sanford Meisner